Viridis Security

Are You Truly Secure? Unpacking the Limits of Automated Compliance Tools

Are automated compliance tools the end-all solution for security and compliance? In my experience, they’re a piece of the puzzle, but not the whole picture. Even if these tools indicate you’re compliant, there’s more to consider.

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The AICPA, the authority behind SOC 2 standards, specifically calls for auditors to ensure that Automated Compliance tools have comprehensive and accurate software and vendor inventories, and necessary monitoring of controls in place.

This affirms my belief: these tools are as effective as the expertise behind them. Without seasoned know-how in Information Security and Compliance, you might overestimate your control environment’s robustness.

Common Pitfalls in Automated Compliance

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  1. Risk Appetite Reflection Missing: How much risk can your organization tolerate? Understanding this is crucial before embarking on your governance journey.
  2. Asset Inventory Incomplete: List everything with an IP address, including hardware, cloud assets, laptops, and IoT devices. Remember, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.
  3. Missing Apps in Tool Integrations: It’s vital to integrate all your applications with your Automated Compliance Tools. If a tool lacks an integration for a key technology, consider using its API to bridge the gap.
  4. Overuse of ‘Out of Scope’: Exercise caution. Protect all assets as if they contained confidential data to prevent network vulnerabilities.
  5. Vendor Risk Underrepresented: Evaluate all vendors at onboarding and regularly thereafter, not just those perceived as high-risk.
  6. Inherent and Residual Risk Inaccuracies: Strive for an honest assessment of risks, balancing security leadership and IT ownership perspectives.

Thoropass Compliance

The Fractional CISO/Managed Security Provider Advantage

A Fractional CISO, like Viridis Security, does more than set up assessments and compliance tooling. We help:

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  • Craft an organizational risk appetite statement.
  • Complete asset inventories accurately.
  • Integrate compliance tools effectively.
  • Evaluate vendor risks comprehensively.
  • Accurately assess inherent and residual risks.

Automated Compliance Tools Final Thoughts

Security is a journey of continuous improvement. If your initial assessment isn’t perfect, that’s just the start of your path to better security. At Viridis, we believe in facing risks head-on, not hiding them. Let us guide you through the assessment and help create sustainable processes that bolster your security posture without overburdening your organization.

Ready to enhance your security and compliance strategy? Viridis Security is here to guide you every step of the way.